Here is how you can enter-
2 - Post about this giveaway on your blog
3 - Become a follower (see right sidebar)
4 - Become a fan of Nicole Anderson Photography on Facebook (also on right sidebar)
1 - Grab the button on the right sidebar and link my site up to yours
2 - Post about this giveaway on your blog
3 - Become a follower (see right sidebar)
4 - Become a fan of Nicole Anderson Photography on Facebook (also on right sidebar)
Just write in the comments what inspires you and then link to your blog. Make sure you let me know in the comments what you did and how many times I need to put you in the drawing!
This giveaway will end March 31st at Midnight!
So what inspires me? Watching my kids succeed- it never fails to amaze me. From watching them learn how to ride a bike to learning how to say their sorry. I am always amazed at how this little baby can grow into a functioning and amazing little person! Watching them inspires me to be better.
My family inspires me, and the world around me. The beauty of it.
I did everything! Except you don't have a "follower" link - just a facebook one...maybe I'm missing something. I'll figure it out.
Count me in for everything! Hoping to win - I love your pictures and we need some new family ones!
COLOR! {or even the lack there of}
Seeing other people go for their own goals inspires me and shows me that anything is possible!
I became a follower, a fan on facebook and I will post it on my blog this week at www.theolsonfam.net/blog.
I'm having another baby in about 4 weeks and I would be sooo excited to win!!!
I have a six month old daughter and I am inspired by watching her learn everyday. I can watch her for hours knowing that every second she is becoming the person she will grow up to be.
I became a follower and a facebook fan. I'd love to get some great family pictures of this precious stage in our lives.
I would have to say that my family inspires me also. I love to watch my kids grow and succeed in the things they do.
I became a fan on FB, added your button to my blog and became a follower. My blog is clarkclan-bonnie.blogspot.com
I love to look at the photos you take. You are so creative and I would love to have you take some photos of my family.
I am inspired by good people that are still in the world who care for one another and do things out of the kindness of their heart. It is nice to know that everyday "angels" still exsist!
I became a fan on facebook, a follower and put your button on my blog!
Following blogs inspires me (SO SO many wonderful and creative ideas!!) I am a follower on your blog, follower on facebook, put your button on my blog, and posted about the giveaway on my blog. I have followed your pictures through Camille's blog for the past year or so... GREAT WORK! Beautiful!!
I am constantly inspired by other people and I love it. I hope to inspire others as well. I found out about your giveaway from Barb's blog!
I did all of them except blogging about it. I don't want to lessen my chances!! lol. My baby just turned 1 and we just moved into a new house. It would be absolutely lovely to have new beautiful pictures to add to it.
So button on my blog, fan, and follower. Thanks!
Shirley - jaredandshirleyhale.blogspot.com
I just found your blog from Cjane and I am excited to follow you via google reader! I live in Salt Lake, so I probably can't enter this giveaway...darn.
I am inspired by the world around me.
I did everything! I love your pictures!
My three beautiful children inspire me, especially my new little baby. They are so sweet and innocent.
I did it all.
Hi Nicole! I love your pictures. They are beautiful.
I am inspired by watching other people accomplish their goals. It gives me a kick in the pants when I need it.
I added your button to my blog, became a fan on facebook, and became a follower.
Count me in.
Except not until we lose the bright pink cast.
This sounds dumb I guess but music inspires me.
I became a follower on your site and on facebook.
I also made a post on my blog..
I hope to win too! We have zero family pictures with our baby (now one years old).
I love your pictures and I'm super jealous of your camera and skills.
What inspires me? A stranger's generosity and kindness, service, an unsolicited hug/kiss from my children, someone overcoming adversity and being a better person because of it, beautiful music and pictures!
I could go on, but those are a few things! Love your work, you are an amazing person and friend, thanks for everything!
PS - I did it all! Can't wait to hear about the winner, they are going to love your work!
Others inspire me... I love watching and learning from others!!! I fanned you on facebook and also became a follower! My blog is moon-d-ya.blogspot.com. Thanks!
My brother inspires me. He lost his only child four years ago and I truly didn't know if he would make it! Two days after the horrible event we as a family awoke to an empty house...no brother anywhere...We thought the worst! We ran outside frantically looking for him and down the street we see a broken man pushing a lawnmower toward us..as he got closer we realized it was him. We ran to him asking what he was doing..his response "my neighbor is dying of cancer and she needed help more than I did this morning." My only thought was how could she need more help than him at this moment...My brother quietly taught me the most valuable lesson that day...Service truly saves us as human beings! People who are in the depths of despair and can look for the needs of others inspires me!!! Thank you for letting me relate this experience and for reminding myself of this great lesson!
I did everything you asked to be entered in the drawing! Please count me!!! You are a gifted photographer and hope to see you soon! Thanks for the opportunity!
Kathie Walker
I am inspired by my husband who loves me absolutely no matter what. I'm inspired by my baby boy who is a dream come true. I'm inspired by family and friends and the way they take care of me. And mostly I'm inspired by God who will never give up on me.
I did everything including posting to my blog wendynjason.blogspot.com
I found you from my cousin Camille, I've always loved her family pictures! Thanks!
I know this sounds cheesy, but your photography inspires me!! I am now officially a follower!! I am excited for your first give away!!
Nature inspires me and rejuvenates me. Sadly, time also inspires me...there's so little of it to get things done!
I did all of the items except the facebook one. I'm probably the only person out there who isn't on facebook yet!
Thanks for the fun!
Hi Nichole I saw your pictures that you have taken of Camille and Mykel Henrie on her blog. I can't get over how beautiful the setting is and what an amazing family photo that is! I added your link to my blog, became a follower, posted about your pictures on my blog and became a HUGE fan on facebook. You really do have an amazing talent, I love all of your pictures.
My entire family inspires me, but especially my two beautiful daughters. As I have watched them grow, I am so lucky to have them and call them mine. I grow more amazed every day with them. They are my hero's, my sunshine and my everything! I work with special needs children and they inspire me as well. I realize what perfect spirits they are, and it challenges me to become a better person. I am so blessed to have the life I do and I am so grateful!
Pennie Jackson
Throw my name into the hat for the giveaway. I became a fan on facebook and am following the blog through google.
Everything on this wonderful Planet that we live on inspires me to look to God...
I'm inspired by the amazing women around me who seem to do it all and get it all right. They make me want to be a better wife, mother, and friend.
I'm already a facebook fan and I became a follower. Crossing my fingers! What a great giveaway. Thanks Nicole!
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